Sunday, May 3, 2009

The Future of HUC-JIR

Over the course of recent weeks and months I have received numerous requests, both personal and general, to write to the leadership of HUC-JIR to voice my opinion regarding the future of the College-Institute. I have not ignored those requests; rather, I have wrestled with them. I would guess that a new request comes my way nearly every day. But I cannot write to the other leadership of the College-Institute to tell them what decision they should make.

Instead, I have chosen to write to let them know that I recognize how incredibly challenging and difficult the decisions are that lie before them. I cannot imagine being in their shoes, being faced with making choices that will impact the future of the College-Institute and of Reform Judaism. I recognize the strength, wisdom, and insight that they must have to make these choices and how heavy any change will weigh on their hearts. I may have loyalties to one campus, one program, or one opinion, but my own loyalties must be put aside for the sake of the institutions I support, work for, and believe in.

I have written not to tell them to preserve any one campus. Instead, I’ve written to let them know that they, the Board of Governors, and the leadership of Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion, have my unwavering support. I can only imagine the wrestling that will go on in the coming weeks to ensure the future of the movement I hold so dear. I trust that they will make this decision wisely, thoughtfully, and prayerfully. The conclusions they reach may likely be radical and unpopular, but so long as they ensure a vibrant and thriving institution for higher Jewish learning, for the training of the future leaders of Reform Judaism, then I have no doubt they will be the right decisions. I am grateful for the many ways in which the leadership of Reform Judaism and of the College-Institute give to our community and for being present and involved at such a critical moment in history for Reform Judaism.

1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed reading your blog and think your comments are thoughtful and appropriate. I agree with you whole heartedly.

    Lots of love,
