Friday, June 19, 2009

A Taste of Torah - Sh'lach L'cha

In this week's Torah portion, Shelach L'cha, the scouts head into the land of Canaan to bring a report back to Moses, Aaron and the Israelites about the land they are about to enter and acquire, as God has promised. All but two of the scouts come back fearful of what lies ahead of them. They say that while the land is flowing with milk and honey, the people living there are like giants, making them appear like grasshoppers.

But Joshua son of Nun and Caleb aren't so intimidated. They tell the people how good the land is and encourage them not to rebel against God. Sometimes it's easy to give in to our fears, even when we know it's not in our best interest. This Shabbat, take on one of your fears and see if you can be like Caleb and Joshua son of Nun, and do what you need to do, knowing you have support and are protected.

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